The Art of Slimming

Before and After

One of the questions you need to ask yourself when hiring a photographer is – what makes this photographer stand out from the rest? For me, there are lots of small things I could throw out there. For instance, I’m obsessively early for everything, so you can breathe easy that you won’t have to call me to find out where I am the day of your wedding or session.

But if you are a physically self-conscious individual, let me tell you why I’m the photographer for you. I’m not skinny and I often don’t like the way I look in photos. Many photographers feel more comfortable behind the lens than in front of it and I’m sad to say that I’m one of them. But at least when I’m behind the camera – AND behind the editing – I have some artistic control.

First off – posing is my thing. I’ve learned over the years the most flattering way to pose bodies to minimize insecurities. This is the best way to start. But the next tool in my arsenal is of course Photoshop.

Now, before I get attacked for body shaming or false advertising of humans or whatever you want to call it, let me just say that I find people of all shapes and sizes beautiful! If you look through my galleries, you will find that I use images from all varieties of body types. But I know how I feel when I see a photo of myself that I ALMOST like except I have a bit of a double chin or my muffin top is sticking out a little in profile. It ruins the photo for me. And maybe I’m the only person who would notice it but it matters. To me.

My philosophy with Photoshop slimming is that subtly is best. In other words, a nip here and a tuck there and in the end result, the client shouldn’t even realize anything was done. I’m not going to change a beautiful size 16 woman to a size 4. That won’t look realistic and everyone will know its fake.

Below is photo that was taken of me by another photographer during a recent head shot exchange. Check out the before and after. The second image is still ME. It still looks like me and I didn’t really make myself a skinny model. None of my friends will look at this photo and think, “Who is she kidding?” Subtle. Artistic. FREE. That’s right, free. This is something I do for all of my clients on most images during the editing process. I won’t do it on every single image if its not needed, but the ones that I judge the client will be even more excited about with just a tad bit of help. When your gallery is delivered, your images will be fully retouched and the best, most natural looking they can be.

So, if you are totally opposed to a little Photoshop slimming here and there, then possibly I’m not the photographer for you. But if you know what its like to struggle with a few extra pounds and cringe when a camera is pointed in your direction…GIRL! I got you.

Before and After






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